About me

My spiritual Beginning
My Spiritual Journey began even before I recognised it as that, having a very Spiritual Mother from the Czech Republic who grew up in Spa Town where she was taught Yoga as part of the curriculum.
One of her favourite sayings was Tink Postitiv my Darlink! Well she did have a funny accent! The other one was ‘You chose me’! With a big grin on her lovely face as yet I learnt another lesson. I dismissed it at the time but the more I awakened the more I understood.
Going down the conventional job route as many do, deeply unhappy, illness after illness, depression and finally what I refer to now as my breakthrough in my mid twenties. Two years off work and being told I had to wait 18 months to see a counsellor led me to taking control of my own healing, started Tai Chi, meditation and read everything I could get my hands on and found amazing teachers through Mooji, Gabor Matte, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Victor Frankl, Eckhart Tolle, Kyle Cease, Matt Kahn and many many more.
Finding my own way
Still down the conventional job route for a few years after, but along side started Reiki Training, Meditation & attending local community Mind Body Spirit Fairs with a selection of crystals & offering therapies as I starting to build up my own light.
In 2009 I had the opportunity to open my own spiritual shop called Crystal Angels which I had for 8 years, with its retail side, classes, workshops & Healing, it came as a bit of surprise when Guidance came through to close it after a one to one session with my own mentor David Ashworth (Davidashworth.guru) original Channel of the Emerald Heart Light.
It took a while to digest that my dream wasn’t actually for my highest good and I have learnt over the years that if you are doing something that is not for your highest good, the light will create change. I had stopped working on my own evolution so my own spiritual path had become stagnant and keeping myself small was not serving myself or others, I was not reaching as many people as I was meant to in the bigger scheme.
In April 2016 I started a 13 month course through the Emerald Heart school of enlightenment called the 13 moons of transformation involving taking an energetically programmed essence every new moon, the first few months comprised of emotional clearing and within days of starting the process the energic pull to close my shop, sell my house and all my belongings could not be ignored & by may 2017 all had gone and I travelled for a year on a spiritual quest of Yoga Retreats, temples and letting go
My Divine Plan Healing & Emerald Heart Light Journey
During my travels In 2018 while in New Zealand I undertook the first level of Divine Plan Healing Training, the first three months of adjusting to the 5th dimensional frequency was a time of self healing and my spiritual path accelerated somewhat!
I followed this with The Advanced Practitioner Level in the UK in 2019, leading to further letting go of ingrained behaviours and beliefs, embarking on delving into darker shadows which is sometimes necessary to emerge once again into the light, it took some time adjusting to the light and after successfully completing all the assignments I attained my Advanced Divine Plan Healing Practitioner level in December 2023
I love being a Divine Plan Healing Advanced Practitioner, it peels back layers of out served emotions and encourages me to live a very positive life
In early 2024 I began working closely with David Ashworth the Original Channel of the Emerald Heart Light and in September I became a Law of Attraction Light Program Ambassador.
As an Ambassador I am qualified to bring the Light of a Law of Attraction Program into your heart to help you align with Universal Consciousness.
A Law of Attraction Light Program costs £100 and lasts for three months, there is more information on the Ambassador page.
I am Currently Training to be an Emerald Heart Light Essence Practitioner (Feb 2025) which I am very much looking forward to completing and sharing more light with you!
(I do have a current DBS and am Insured through Holistic Insurance Services Feb 2025 – Feb 2026)