Divine Plan Healing

What is Divine Plan Healing?

A Divine Plan Healing is an Advanced Healing Journey helping you step into your own Divine Plan, working with a Goddess of Light Essence for four weeks after your initial healing session, the light stays with you for a further two weeks after finishing the Essence.

The Light penetrates at the deepest core, it purifies issues and solves them in your consciousness, both of your current life and previous ones.

Divine Plan Healing strengthens, heals and connects your two power centres the Heart and the Womb

It works with the Emerald Heart Light, The Mary Magdalene Light and a Goddess of Light Essence.

  • Let Go of Self Doubt

  • Gain Self Confidence

  • Improved relationship with your self

  • Deal with everyday stresses better

  • Feel Physically Healthier

  • Improved Mental Health

Your Remote Divine Plan Healing Session includes a 15 minute call to set your Healing Target, one hour Remote Healing, the Goddess of Light Essence, four weeks of continued healing while taking the essence and a 15 minute feedback call.

Once the initial healing session has ended the light continues to work directly with you by taking the Goddess of Light Essence, 3 drops to be taken 3 times a day, the light then remains with you for a further two weeks.

Keeping a daily Journal is a very Important part of the process, it is a method to release emotions that show up as well as having a written account on how much you have let go of or evolved during this time.


Where as Reiki is a hands on Healing Method with the healing energy flowing through the healers hands, in a Divine Plan healing you receive the light directly from source – The Emerald Heart Light & Mary Magdalene without the use of  hands as a channel.

Your Divine Plan Healing Practitioner asks the light to work directly with you acting as a witness to the Healing.

The Goddess of Light Essence is Liquid Light, just as Bach Herbal Remedies are programmed with the essence of plants, The Goddess of Light Essence is programmed with the frequency of The Emerald Heart Light and Energy of Mary Magdalene. By taking the Essence your healing is prolonged and sends a message to the light that you want to work with it.

One bottle lasts approximately 4 weeks taking three drops three times a day.

You can receive a Divine Plan Healing remotely, your healing target is discussed prior to the healing session at a pre arranged time and date and finishes with a follow up call 4 weeks after.

Everyone’s experience of receiving a healing is different, its usually very relaxing and you may feel a greater connection to your heart.

for myself personally I find my body realigns itself during a Healing Session as well as feeling deep peace and connected to all that is.

Working with your chosen healing target, the Light begins to unlock and open your heart, shining light on shadow aspects helping you see the truth in situations that may not be for your highest good as well as identifying what changes need to be made in order for you to be true to yourself and step into a lighter version of yourself.

Shadow aspects are the deepest part of ourselves that we usually do not wish to admit either to ourselves or others in fear of either judging ourselves or feeling judged. Here are a few shadow aspects that can arise or be present at any stage of your life.

Blame, Guilt, Shame, Victim Syndrome, Worthiness, Doubt, Self Worth, Poor self image, Avoidance, Anger, Hatred, Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, Physical Pain & Illness, Fear, Unhealthy friendships and relationships, Unlearning unhealthy behaviours & patterns, Judging and Grief.
We can be in total denial or not consciously aware of some, but by embracing and acknowledging your shadow aspects as well as a greater awareness.  Divine Plan Healing can help bring them into your consciousness for processing and releasing, when that shift happens the sense of freedom felt is amazing both physically and mentally.

Keeping a Journal is a very important process in Divine Plan Healing, its a record of how you have evolved during your Divine Plan Healing Journey as well as providing mental clarity putting your thoughts in order as you work through emotions and puts into perspective what is important.

Journaling in general helps builds Self Awareness, develops Emotional Intelligence, is a great stress reliever, enhances creativity, reduces health issues and regulate emotions.  See the dedicated journaling page for more information

By contacting me, discussing your healing target and agreeing a mutual time and place

Divine Plan Healing is not a religion or affiliated to any religion.