My Journey with The Emerald Heart Light

My Journey with The Emerald Heart Light Began in 2014, my first introduction was a one-to-one consultation with David Ashworth and from that moment on my life changed dramatically.

Even before the consultation on the drive over to David;s house my heart began pounding so loud I could hear it in my ears and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my body.

The day was amazing experiencing the Light first hand through David’s Heart, lots of insights came through, some of which were alarming as change was inevitable but I trusted that all was for my highest good for my evolution.

In 2016 I worked with the light via Emerald Heart Essences, a light program journey called the 13 moons of transformation involving taking 13 essences over a 13 month period which encouraged a lot of change, letting go of everything that was not longer serving my higher self.

Trusting more in the process I began to let go of my Spiritual Business, my fiancé at the time, my house, car and everything else I owned down to a rucksack. This was just part of my spiritual path, it does not mean that working with the light will invoke the same experience for you!

In 2018 I began working with the Light in a new way directly becoming attuned to Divine Plan Healing of which now I am a Advanced Practitioner.

Since then I continue to work with the light in various ways through continuing to raise my vibration making way for the new.

  1. Emerald Heart Essences
  2. Regular Darshan
  3. Earth Healing
  4. Light Programs
  5. Being a Divine Plan Healing Advanced Practitioner
  6. Being A Law of Attraction Light Program Ambassador

I find that the more I work with the light and raise my vibration the easier it is to:-

  • Manifest what I need
  • Attract what my heart truly desires
  • Opportunities arise easily
  • Divine Guidance and timing more frequently
  • Constant Discounted products just at the right time
  • Being able to world wide travel without originally having funds to do so.
  • Working with the light shines into the darkness, helps bring to the surface what no longer serves and makes way for the new.
  • Experience better mental and physical health
  • Experience a greater connection to source
  • I enjoy daily life much more