Divine Plan Healing Light Blessing


Experience a Divine Plan Healing Light Blessing for yourself

On registration I will send a confirmation email with full instructions on how to prepare.

The Blessing will commence at 7.00pm and finish at 8.00pm on your chosen Sunday and the light stays with you for 24 hours.

Choosing to work with The Goddess of Light Essence after the Blessing will continue the illumination of your own Divine Light in your heart up to 6 weeks.

Add your chosen Goddess of Light Essence to your order either A Bottle at a cost of £20.00 plus P&P which will be sent in the post or by using the Emerald Heart Essence app at a cost of £20.00 & instructions will be forwarded on registration.



Experience a Divine Plan Healing Light Blessing

The Light you receive in a Light Blessing satisfies your hearts longing for Light

It activates and illuminates your own Divine Light, the Connection to the Divine in your heart.

Our hearts long for this Divine Connection and reconnects you with your Divine Core.

On registration I will email you confirmation and ask you to prepare yourself in plenty of time so you do not feel rushed.

  • The Blessing will commence remotely at 7.00pm and end at 8.00pm
  • Find a quiet space to receive the Blessing.
  • Make yourself comfortable and Cover yourself with a blanket
  • I will hold the sacred space and witness the Blessing for you
  • The Blessing lasts for one hour, allow yourself to surrender.
  • The Light will remain with you for 24 hours after the Blessing

You can contact me afterwards if you so wish to feedback your experience or if you have chosen to work with The Goddess of Light Essence I will arrange a 15 minute feedback session with you directly.

The Goddess of Light Essence will continue the illumination of your own Divine Light in your heart up to 6 weeks.

You can choose to buy a physical Goddess of Light Essence bottle to take 3 drops 3 times a day which I  send through the post for £20.00 plus P&P or Connect via The Emerald Heart Light Essence app at a cost of £20.00 for which I will forward instructions

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