
I have recently taken part in a Divine Plan Healing with Nicky.

I entered the process with no expectations and was open to whatever would happen.

Nicky was very thorough in explaining to me what she would be doing and her support during the whole 4 weeks was incredible.

Nicky gave me a set time when she would send me the healing and we started exactly on time. The distant healing was very powerful. I am also a Reiki Master and found this to be like Reiki but much more powerful.

After a couple of days of feeling calm I then started to feel quite irritable and frustrated. On day 4 I had a complete meltdown  The following day I had a huge realization and I also was able to have a very honest and open discussion with my mum (something I hadn’t intended but the opportunity came up). All the fears I had had a few days ago were about me and my business and by day 6 I received so much love and support from people about what I do and some wonderful feedback about me as a workshop leader/coach etc. It was almost as if the universe was showing me the truth and everything else was in my head (which of course I know it is). Interestingly, not all of the comments were love based but fear based; people talking about cost and affordability…..initially I wanted to defend my prices but I did not. I had complete validation of the value I offer and I also received from all of this absolute validation for my own self worth and how much I value myself which was something I have struggled with so much in the past.
This was the message I needed. And this validation has been another huge realization for me whilst doing this process.

To summarize; this process is not for the faint hearted. You will see your shadows. You will get opportunities to help your growth, you have a choice if you take them. You will be shown the truth. You will come through the process on the other side feeling lighter, enriched, more aware and stronger.

Nicky is a wonderful person and a fabulous support and she was there with me on this journey every step of the way when I needed her.

I feel blessed and honoured to have gone through this process. Forever grateful. thank you Nicky.

Lynn Meadowcroft, Divine Plan Healing

Hi Nicky

Thank you so much for the Divine healing you gave me! 

I am so grateful to you and the Divine. My whole life has transformed. Much of what was hidden has arisen for me to clear and my true essence is emerging as if in deep slumber. 

Thank you once again for reaching out for the work love and kindness you are! 

Greatly appreciated! 

Love Soraya xxx

Soraya Daniels, Divine Plan Healing

I had a divine plan healing with Nicky last August, after careful consideration my healing target was decided then the wording fine tuned. This healing is not I would say for the faint of heart, the core beliefs (my story) & how that came about were eventually shattered, so the long held faulty assumptions I had needed to be reanalysed; hence the belief to which I had moulded my whole persona upon was lost.

This was a lengthy and tough process a real roller coaster ride emotionally & physically, my periods of calm serving to fortify me through another realisation & acceptance. So if you are ready to invest in a healthier relationship with yourself and ready to truly leave behind things that are not for your highest good that perhaps you cling to, I would recommend it wholeheartedly! If however you are looking for a quick fix and that airy fairy love and light, we must always be happy idea-the, everything is always wonderful even when it isn’t & you must never be mad, sad or pee’d off, or accept that you are NOT feeling OK, which seems to be prevalent in the arena of self evolution that pretending your emotions aren’t valid (especially the ones you don’t like, like anger, hurt, resentment etc) maybe you aren’t ready just yet.

Nicky’s approach is candid and considerate without the usual BS finally some down to earth realism without the usual sickly sweet sugar coating.
With deepest gratitude Adi.

Adi Watson-Hall, Divine Plan Healing

I received a Divine Plan Healing from Nicky Hesketh, she was professional and informative and I found the process very relaxing. 

The weeks that followed where the light was working on releasing the old energies etc, I found to be very challenging to me and I experienced a-lot of what I was told to expect, mainly sadness, as after all I was letting go of out-served emotions. It was a hard process to go through but when you come out of the other side, I can say I did feel a lightness. Over all its a tough and thorough process, and one that you have to be ready for in my humble opinion, at one point I would have said that I would have been reluctant to go through this again as I found it so tough, but having had time to contemplate I would consider another clearing using Divine Plan Healing.


Margaret Scanlan, Divine Plan Healing
I took Part in a Divine Plan Group Healing with my friend Margaret, during healing itself I felt very peaceful and relaxed taking the essence gradually brought things from the past to mind which I have not thought about or event remembered for many years.
Over the 6 weeks my memory of past events, particularly those which were traumatic, has been quite vivid.
The memories have been uncomfortable, however they have made me realise how deeply things were buried in my subconscious.
What has been surprising is for many years I have always said to people, that I have very little memory of childhood and certain other parts of my life. I have taken it for granted that this was just the way it was for me.
I have accepted that things were muddy. I now realise just how much I need to work on things still.
My overall feeling from taking the essence is a sharpness in my focus with regard to memories, they are more vivid.
Thank you so much for the healing session, it felt extra special with Margaret taking part as well.
Nanette Ridings , Divine Plan Healing
I took Part in a Divine Plan Group Healing with my friend Nettie, this is my second Divine Plan Healing and we had separate healing targets The healing itself I found very relaxing. I took the Essence for 4 weeks after and it brought up a lot of emotions which i found sometimes unsettling, however I’m not new to healing as I am a Reiki Master myself, I knew that the feelings would pass, I continued with the essence as well as continuing with daily meditations, I ultimately feel stronger and less held back by fear.  I would recommend a Divine Plan Healing to anyone who feels ready to clear blockages that hold is back from reaching a higher vibration.
It was lovely to share this experience with Nettie.
Margaret Scanlan, Divine Plan Healing